The blog chronicles the life of Sean Dustman, a Corpsman of the Marines, who has been sent to Iraq four times already. He is from Arizona, and has taken the role of mechanic, soldier, cook, remodeler of homes, and photographer. At the moment, he is stationed in San Diego waiting to be deployed. He prides himself in being able to manipulate and fix electronics and other machines. Of worthy note, he sometimes refers to himself as the “glue that holds people together.”
Welcome...and initial guidelines...
Weekly plans and other materials will always be posted in Vista, not this blog. So go to Bb Vista to get the discussion prompts and other instructions.
I intend this blog to manage our discussions and track our collective investigation.
You should have received an email from me inviting you to become a contributor to this blog. The email was sent Monday afternoon to your official Drexel email address.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Doc in the Box
American Hajji
Sgt Stryler
blog 8
Where is Raed?
After taking a closer look at some of the posts I found that the author of these posts "Salam" used a lot of different links in his posts allowing the reader to go to different websites that gave similar opinions or discussing the same topics he is. At different points in time "Raed" also responds. Salam gives the impression that he is locked up somewhere and gives inputs on the war, discussing things that occur to him on different days. He seems like him and his family are rather close to the war.
Looking even closer, it seems that he films different events. and titled the blog where is Raed? because that is one of the people he keeps in touch with. At one point in the blog "Raed" posts:
Wednesday, March 03, 2004
salam i was trying to call your phones all the day long, i hope u didnt die in the karbala explosions
I'm coming back to baghdad next week
Salam later responds:
Saturday, March 06, 2004
I am sorry, please accept my apologies for not updating. My mind doesn't seem to be able to multi-task any more, I am in filming mode, and with a certain person here with a whip in her hand, I can't even get a chance to check my emails. Karbala was one of these things I will never ever forget in my whole life, I don't care what you think of the rituals that are practiced, the fact is that the atmosphere was beautiful. Peacful and so much passion and devotion, it brings tears to your eyes. I have seen things that left me baffled for hours. I, my mother and my cousin were out of the center of the city, running, by the third mortar. it was the last two that did the damage and it happened near the shrine of Abbas not al-Hussein where we were staying......He continues on discussing his footage in the next three paragraphs.
This blog is definitely a very different look on the war putting a new perspective and seeing it through this person's eyes.
Just Another Soldier
Healing Iraq Blog
For example, one post gives comments about Saddam's Verdict. "Although I am happy that Saddam is going to be executed, I think it's not going to change the real mess in Iraq." Another post is about a news story from Channel 4 that describes Iraq being the Lost Generation. "Nearly half of Iraq's population is under 21. It follows the lives of the insurgent, the soldier, the doctor, the militiaman, the prisoner, the salesman, and the disabled. All of them young Iraqis who have lost hope and feel they have no future."
I feel that this post opened by eyes because we are only given one side of the story. This is the other side that you don't really hear about because it will change your opinion. And that is not what they want. This blog makes you feel bad for them because the people in Iraq are a lot worse off than most of us in the United States. A couple stupid people who made a couple stupid decisions have changed these peoples lives forever.
Friday, May 16, 2008
In Response to Divorce in Albania
Postcolonial Iraq
The author addresses such topics as
- Farsakh Comment on Future Vision
- The Future Vision Of The Palestinian-Arabs In Israel
- Consociational Hezbollah
- Israel's Arab community and the bi-national state
- Iraqis Seek to Stem Sectarian Violence
The author's style of writing is very articulate and scholarly; Jelloul, the author of the posts, clearly has some opinion on the matter, but after reading what he had to say, I can't say that I'm certain what it is.
This blog left me confusing and wondering why Jelloul even wrote in it; at the very top of the blog is says that this blog is about "a postcolonial Iraq watch dedicated to genuine Iraqi self-determination; a post-fundamentalist and post-liberal watch for consociational patriotism and a confessionalism beyond religious as well as secular sectarianism." Honestly, I don't even understand what that means. This blog is defiantly meant for someone that follows both Iraq and is scholarly.
Foxhole Philospher
After reading a good amount of entries. I started to notice how he talked about how the problem with media coverage and who understands what. He says that the problem is not a problem of presence but of absence. The absence of media coverage is the problem. If their was more journalists in Iraq then people could understand more of what is actually happening, but at this point only the soldiers really understand.
To clarify a little more on what I just said, I must talk about the second part of this discussion, so that I can tie the two together. Unlike america, where honorable is honesty. Honorable in Iraq the exact opposite. Lieing is honor in Iraq. If something goes wrong, you never tell the truth, or if somebody does something wrong, you never point them out. Iraqi's are manipulators in interviews. This soldier goes on to say that he has found Iraqi's telling americans what they think we want to hear. In 10 minute interviews they say what they think the media wants to hear, and not what the truth is.
Despite the United States being very selfish he admits, he says that he has never seen a more selfcentered culture before in his life. The soldier talks about how Iraqi's see people die right on the same street as them and don't even both to help, or ask why it happened or what they will do next. All they are worried about is how the american security, or troops will affect them.
This selfishness is the key to the downfall of a culture, and even know this has not happened yet in the United States, it only takes one generation to do so and we could collapse and start ruining ourselves. He explains that giving and charity and such are things that have kept the United States going. He mentions maybe morals and economics are things that should be stressed in high school.
I would describe the author of this blog as being very educated and knowledgable. You can see it in his wonderful writing of this blog. It's pretty insightful. I see this man as someone who knows what he is talking about because he is there. Maybe we should listen to it.
I was really involved and focused when I read this blog. I was laid back and relaxed and was able to take in everything. It made me see things like I might not have saw them before because I don't have a lot knowledge on the subject. He has been there and done it. I felt like a student eager to learn more. I was after more and more. I felt like I wanted to hear another story.
A Minute Longer
His blog takes a turn when he returns home to Wisconsin and lets his readers in on his plan to get drunk and his succeeding blog where he proclaims that he still may be hung over. This Will is definetely a unique character and as his blog states it is a way for him to keep from going insane while over in Iraq. Will adds a comedic view to what I and other people think of war - he maintains the seriousness of the war, especially in his last blog where he talks about how he wishes he was over there (once he returns home) - but he also does not lack comedy when he makes light of the fact that the Iraqi people just need to give in because the US is killing more of them than they are killing Americans (he tells them to not listen to their God and look at the example of the Somali's when thousands of them died and only 24 American soldiers were killed). Will's humor lets me see a different side of the soldiers in the Iraqi war and clues me into the crazy things that runs through their minds.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Command Post
A Star from Mosul
Minute Longer is a blog that correlates with the first letter of my last name, but also seemed interesting. This blog is composed of letter s written by a soldier in Iraq named Will. Each new entry is posted about a week after its previous one. While readers probably enjoy his tales because he can tell about the fighting first hand, he also gains a lot from writing this blog. He even explained that he “struggled to maintain sanity in an insane world.” Through this blog he was able to open up and release some of his repressed feelings. His sincerity is touching and enables the audience to empathetically indentify with him.
Will is an extremely likable author. He writes in a way that allows the reader to see him as an average American guy. In one entry, he complains about a hangover he has and whines about being a lightweight. In some entries one can detect he is slightly frustrated with his condition and resentful about what he is doing. For instance, he repeatedly uses the phrase “again” when describing the tasks he is undertaking. He wrote, “I am (again) in sandy Kuwait. I am (again) washing government equipment.” This shows that he not exactly happy with his jobs as a soldier.
After reading the blog, I found myself really liking Will as an individual. While it was hard to listen to him complain about the conditions in Iraq, I could only find myself feeling sorry for him and others like him. He ends each of his letters by saying I Love You All. This makes the reader feel like he is in fact fighting this war for the love of his country and fellow American citizens. Through this blog Will is able to keep in touch with people from home and allow them to be apart of his journey as a soldier.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Just like in White Teeth, Barrackpore in real life is talked about in terms of fighting and military actions.
PeaceBlogs has 2200 blogs from 77 countries. Just skimming over the descriptions of the blogs in North America did not make me happy. Many of the blogs openly admitted there liberal stance and they hatred for America. Most of the blogs would not open when I clicked on them. I think this can be because no one reads or cares what these liberal bloggers have to say because this website contains 2200 of them.
I was not happy as I was expecting something completely different than these blogs that I witnessed.
I went to 5 blogs that actually worked. These 5 blogs have not been updated in 3 or 4 years. I dont know what kind of website that PeaceBlogs is operating but they need to stop linking to broken links, and blogs that have not been used in years.
What a joke of a website.
Sgt. Stryker's Daily Briefing
Dr. Marc-Pierre Perret
The Russian troops came into this town to capture this doctor and bring him to Poland to face criminal charges with appropriate authorities. I wanted to find out if this doctor actually existed and if similar doctors faced criminal charges for human rights violations.
I could not find a "Dr. Marc-Pierre Perret" to have existed in real life. But, I did find many instances of loyal Nazi doctors performing experiments on alive humans during WWII.
The information is rather disgusting and I wish that I did not research into this topic.
If you want to read on about what kind of experiments the Nazi doctors did on Jews and other prisoners you can read on, but it is disgusting.
Under the direction of Dr. Wirths experiments were done on the human body.
Tests were done where prisoners were locked in a tub of ice to see how fast they would die. Inmates were also put naked into a cage in the middle of winter to see at what temperature the human body would stop working.
Jews were given only sea water to see if sea water was able to hydrate a human body. Inmates were licking moped floors in an attempt to get fresh water.
Many inmates at Auschwitz had radiation experiments performed without knowledge. This woudl leave thousands of inmates sterile without knowing what had happened.
Experiments with poisons, mustard gas, malaria, and flying prisoners to extremely high altitudes without a pressure suit were all performed.
Following this the Nuremberg codes of medical ethics were created to prevent prisoners of war from being human experiments.
Archie the Stoner
Archie’s character development throughout the book has been a roller coaster. He is randomly dominant, then submissive, witty, then stupid. He has become a lot calmer, I find, and think it is due to his marriage to Clara. Not just the marriage, but the different aspects of Jamaican culture, specifically smoking marijuana. There have been many references to their tokage: Archie’s arthritis being significantly better, Clara whistling “Buffalo Soldier” by Bob Marley, cooking food. Weed is definitely more an Archie drug because it is not one that intensifies thought like Samad’s old drug of choice: morphine/ (white powder?). His speech is now more relaxed, and in his conversations with Samad he has more confidence and ease. He has gained more confidence from his new marriage and gained a better attitude through smoking ganja.
Sod's and Murphy Laws
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
To Hell With Your Induced Creativity
Cigars in the Sand
Here is the link to the blog:
Week 7 Kurdo's World blog review
Week 6: Culture Myths
Also, if your ears are red or they burn..someone is talking about you.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Them Line Mountain Boys
I think it was myself, or one of my teammates who first had a short saying, "It's them Line Mountain BoYz". This from a song we heard, we put in our name, and then we took off with it. Everyone in our community knows we were good, and do well and work hard. But what they don't know about is this saying we have on our team, and I think one that kept our team together, as we stepped back into the state championship stage we were once in for the past 4 years now. Behind this saying it is understood to our team that we are just country boys, homegrown, average not very big at all, but we bring heart to the table everytime. We like to make a bang and show people what we have. Its this myth kind of saying and mentality that people don't know about thats in out team, and in the practice room. I still say it to my teammates even now that I am out of college and they no exactly what I mean. So like the golfers pointed out the penalties, we brought out this small line to one another around the team, like we are one unit. And this probably came to be through the known idea that Line Mountain works hard and go after what we want.
All Boys Schools
school but believe me, an all boys environment is so much better than having girls around. The brotherhood which existed among everybody in my class was amazing. We would pull off the most dangerous of pranks without being caught.If we were ever questioned about the pranks,everybody kept quiet and made sure the guy who pulled off the prank never got caught.What usually used to happen was that all the students used to get punished and since the number was large,the magnitude of the punishment used to be small. Everybody also made sure that there wasn't any bad blood among students. There was a healthy atmosphere academically too and the bright students always helped the weaker ones. If any student ever got into a fight with anyone from any other school, the whole school used to go and fight on his side.I personally enjoyed that a lot. Every student also made sure that nobody did anything that would give the school a bad name. Studying in an all boys school was the best thing that ever happened to me and is a unique experience. I wish I could go back to high school.
High School
I don't really understand why people always think this. Sure, there are some girls who do act like that, but people like that are going to be in every school, no matter what type it is. My school wasn't really small, but not really too big either, so I knew a lot of the girls. Most of the people I did know acted normal. I actually can't really say that many of them thought they were better than anyone else, and this isn't comparing them just to other girls in school, but to everyone else as well. A lot of the girls were actually really involved in helping other people, but didn't look down on them as they did it. I can't really say that I think like that either.
So thinking that all girl catholic high schools are stuck up is not really something that is true.
The Dragon of Krakow
One day, a young apprentice told the king he would be the one to rid the village of this monster. He stuffed a lamb with sulfur and left it outside the cave for the dragon to eat. After eating the lamb, the dragon had a fiery burn in his stomach that would not evade him. He raced to the Vistula River and drank some water but the burn continued. He kept on drinking and drinking until he drank half of the river and finally exploded. The king kept his word and the young apprentice married the king's daughter.
Wawel is actually a castle in Krakow near the Vistula. The legend is told to many young children but remains known to people of all ages. The city of Krakow erected a fire-breathing statue of the dragon on castle grounds and it (along with the castle) remains a popular tourist attraction.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Changing clothes
You work for your parents?
If I tell people that I work for my mom it is assumed that, I dont really work and that I am overpaid for my labor. I work as hard or harder than other employees at the bakery and I am paid the same as other employees.
The belief that working for your parents leads to an unproductive employee may make sense in certain citations. If your parent is the owner of a business and you work for your parent than being fired would be near impossible. Your parent would also want to take care of you by increasing your hourly pay.
I would not enjoy working for my mother if i knew that I was being over paid and I was not performing work at a high level. It would be embarrassing to work for my mother because I have some sort of advantage in being paid more and have top priority. I try and make my mother proud whenever I am working by keeping up a fast pace and followin directions to get ready
In the Indian culture, there are several myths. The most famous myth was the black cat bad luck. For example, a black cat crossing an individual’s path is considered bad luck. If I am walking on the road, and a black cat crosses my path, I would take the opposite route. If I took the same path, then I am on the risk of being hurt or even died. For example, my mother would never let my brother and I cross the same path that the black cat crossed. In addition, many Indian people in a car would not even take the route if a black cat crossed that road. I remember the day when my parents came to drop me off to Drexel when a black cat crossed the road. My dad waited for another car to pass the road before we took the same route back to Drexel.
Spoiled or Not?
Asians= Good at Math?
So fact is, not everyone from Jersey, is like everyone from Jersey (if that makes any sense) There are really cool people that come from this place. It is unfortunate that i had to grow up in such an environment, but through this i had a large understand of how people work, how they think. I became the person i am today because i observed this intense environment and understand people the way i do because of it. So coming from jersey isn't that bad, the weather is nice when it can be, and things smell good. Plus it's only some towns in jersey that stink. Where my cousins grew up (only a fourteen minute drive from me) their town was way cooler. They had REAL gay guys and everything. I loved hanging out there...
By the way you can't catch an STD called "the Jerz." That just doesn't exist.
Superstitious Fans
Well for those of us that have had these frustrating experiences, we like to think it's superstition. Not everyone believes in this, but it certainly does happen a lot more than you would think. The funny thing is that you can't help but blame the loud mouth that happened to make the remark. You want nothing more but to tear their heads off most of the time. There is this common belief that if "you don't say it, it won't happen". Does that even make any sense? I mean if I just kept it to myself and thought it might happen, would it still happen?
This is something that many people get in arguments about or even live their lives in fear of it. So many times an obscure remark is made and then miraculously it happens. Does superstition really have a hold on people's lives?
The answer is yes, and the effect is crazy. There are some people that are so superstitious that it's almost sickening. It really lies in a lot of our minds that the impossible won't happen if it's not mentioned, or if something is done the right way. Obviously this is just ridiculous, but it has an effect on our society in an everyday basis. Superstition plays a big role in a lot of our society's lives and will forever follow with fans.
Doctors Not as Wealthy
The DaVinci Code
I feel that this is a copout. Artistic people have grown to accept this stereotype because it gives them an excuse to slack off in areas of school that they are not interested in. I think that you need to be intelligent to be a good artist. You need to know what appeals to people and how to apply it to your art. Not anyone can do this easily. I am not sure where or when this stereotype came about, but I think it’s time for people to stop accepting it and start showing people what they know.
Can We Start Again?
Feng Shui
For all who don't know what feng shui is. The idea is based off of a few ideas such as Qi which in itself is "energy" and things such as the orientation of a structure, its age, and its interaction with the surrounding environment from the slope of the land to the vegetation and soil quality. All are taken into consideration for serious enthusiasts. Another is polarity or in simpler terms, ying and yang.
When first looking at the concept of feng shui it seems absurd, something that is impractical and has no reasoning or scientific basis to it. But when in reality feng shui is something that will affect so many different aspects of your life. Such as my house currently which has gone through some thinking to where the location was to be and where different parts of the house has furniture located. It creates a flow when you walk into the house creating a feeling of calmness which is tpart of what feng shui is about.
Mythical creatures
Jewish = Money myth
It seems there are many misconceptions about India. Also another popular misconception is that cows are treated as gods. While cows are holy, they're treated not holier than cows here. Actually, cows here get treated better than there. There are small villages in India where they are literally worshiped. Some of you may have seen the Ripley's Believe it or Not where the people in the village drink cow urine and bathe with it. Yea, that's definitely not me, or the vast majority of India. Those are small secluded villages doing their own thing. This is not at all a common practice.
The Curse of William Penn
Since then, in my life time I have been let down by Philly sports teams multiple times. I have witnessed the Sixers lose to the Lakers in the final round of the championship. Also, the Eagles have let Philly fans down for about six consecutive years. This year the Phillies were supposed to shock us with wins. However, they have disappointed us once again with multiple losses so far. The Flyers were crushed in the Stanley Cup a few years ago and are currently fighting their way to make it to that round once again. We will soon be able to have another reason to justify this curse if the Flyers lose to Pittsburgh during this week. Hopefully this will not be the case and we will make it to the Stanley Cup and win. I would hate to truly believe in the curse because I want to be able to believe in Philadelphia sports teams.
Which parent to go to?
their children than females because the mother is usually the more
loving and caring one. I don’t feel that this is correct because
personally win my family my mother is the more strict parent and my
father is the one that is more there to make you happy. However this
is a nice touch because typically the fathers are there to play sports
with or get money from. I think this is partially because in the past
the father has been the bread winner of the family and they have the
money. On the other hand my mother is the major bread winner in my
family but I can’t get money from either of them. I think culturally
there is a sense that the male is stronger and can get the child to do
whatever is needed. This is very ironic because in most of the
families that I am friends with the mother is the one that will take
charge and make the child do their chores or go to bed. On that note
the father is the “chill” one they don’t really care what happens as
long as they aren’t getting yelled at. This is a major misconception
that is often overlooked. In reality it depends on the family and
there is no way one can tell who is the more overbearing and who is
less strict
Sraight Edge
However, I think a lot of people who call themselves straightedge, instead of looking at is simply a personal choice, do hold themselves higher than others who partake in alcohol/drug use/ recreational sex, or some combination of the three. I don't really have any direct experience in the straightedge culture aside from having a couple of friends who consider themselves straightedge, but it seems that there is a division between these pseudo-elitist straightedge kids and real straight-edge kids who do it out of respect for their bodies instead of trying to be different, unique, hip, or whatever you want to call it.
The most interesting aspect of this culture, I think, is that instead of being based around doing something, it is based around NOT doing something. But that something is such a basic part of out society is so accepted that removing oneself from it becomes a subculture in itself. Also interesting is that there are people that are members of this subculture who I don't even think realize they are members of it or the depth of it, because being straightedge is only one aspect of some subcultures. For example, the track star who doesn't do drugs or drink to advance his performance in his sport - I believe sports, especially track, to be subcultures themselves - is straightedge but might not identify himself as such, but rather as a runner. The devout Buddhist, who believes that alcohol, drugs, and lust only get in the way of developing, nurturing and understanding the human mind, identifies more closely with his devotion to his religion than his abstinence from intoxicants that get in the way. Maybe what I'm trying to say with all of this is that being straightedge shouldn't be the defining characteristic of one's identity, but rather a supplement to it, a means to advance it.
On an ending note, another strange thing I've found with the straightedge culture, and I'm not sure if this is completely uniform amongst them, is the acceptance of tattoos. It seems like tattoos poison your body more than a lot of things that straightedge people oppose, yet many of them have tattoos, some even displaying the sign of straightedge, a big X. To me, this seems ridiculously hypocritical. Tattoos put you at risk for infection, hepatitis, and all sorts of other diseases. Don't get me wrong, I am in no way in disagreeance with tattoos, but it seems awfully ironic to get ink injected underneath your skin as a means of displaying your refusal to partake in alcohol and drug ("poison") use.
By the way, if anyone reads this who is straight-edge, I would really appreciate some feedback. Or even if you're not.
I am the first person in my family to go to college. Most of my family has either been to jail numerous times or grew up during the depression or some sort of horrible time or place. Its more so that Murphy's Law takes full effect and likes to mess with us. It may not be entirely dooming but incredibly unfortunate. We are all hardworking and work to overcome this but no matter what it reappears. Unfortunely enough, but sometimes entertaining, we tend to get nutcase women. Many people can relate to this, it is rather universal. An uncle of mine has been married 20 years but has had more wars with her than the Middle East has had throughout time. This also shows that no matter what happens that we are hardworking and are strongly commited to what we do have.
respect your books..MYTH
Although this myth should put my country in a bad light, it actually helped boost the tourism and economy. Moreover, foreigners become more curious about Romania, and by visiting it, they get to learn about its real values. As for Romanians, they all know that they are not the descendants of vampires, but they enjoy the attention received from all over the world.
Engineering Myth
La Vieja
Small Towns
Playoff Hockey
It started as this Vampire game
What an utter shame it is to see the mythologizing of one young man brainwash an entire crew of people - even convincing a member that his brute force towards the one's that cared for her the most was somehow deserved. O the power words can inspire...
blog: 7
Long Island Girls
The self-mythologizing of GUIDOS
So anyway, the young guidos today like to show their Italian pride by broadcasting it everywhere, like they are a superior race... Irish and Puerto Ricans do the same thing, but not in an arrogant condescending way. So we got the gold chain necklaces, Of course you have the Black Spiked hair. The clubber ones wear the light wash, sand blasted jeans with mirror tinted shades that have no protection from gthe sun, so they can wear them inside. Some go as far as the sweatbands on the head and arms, and if you are a hardcore clubber, you keep on the wristband you got from a 17 and under club you went to 2 weeks prior. and sometimes they roll the bottom of their jeans up and blast the same Cascada that's been playing on Z100 every night for the past 8 years liek it's brand new from their Acura RSX. Most guidos just like to be loud, yea they go tanning, they go to the gym, probably use steroids, (majority of my friends do or did) and talk with an imitation of a brooklyn or long-island accent... You don't pick either of those up in jersey. And they have every techno and rap Remix of every song ever made.
If you haven't seen this video called "My New Haircut" .... Check it out, it's really not that far from the reality..
Side Note: Please do not think I am trying to dishonor or disgrace any other race, every race has a reason to be proud of their heritage. I'm just picking of Guidos, Not Italians.
White Skin
Driving in NJ
The Evil Eyes
Giving up on a fairytale
A Floating Tire
Big Boys Don't Cry
I suppose the purpose of this unwritten rule dates back to way before our time-- I'd guess probably the beginning of time. I believe that this rule came about because a man is considered to be the head of the household, and if he was seen crying, he would be considered to be weak. In my opinion, I think that it is unfortunate that some guys choose to follow this unwritten rule because the end result of keeping your emotion bottled up inside isn't very pretty. On the other hand, I'm not saying to go around bawling your eyes out like a girl all the time, but sometimes a cry does the soul good.
American students are stupid
A Vicious Circle
Jersey Devil
One myth that has always been apart of growing up and if you from
The Foxhole Blogger
Benson also talks a great deal about the Iraqi civilians, which I think is a great insight to something many of us are unfamiliar with. The author mentions that Iraqis have not conformed to the Western ways that we are accustomed to, but know how to fake it for reporters. He also talks about how Iraq is not suffering because of President Bush, but because of their own selfishness. The expression, “all for one and one for all” is nonexistent there. More commonly, each man is out for himself. It is too dangerous to care for the greater good as too few people follow this. The selfishness of the Iraqi people contributes more to their downfall than the constant fighting between soldiers.
Benson has a wonderful way of enlightening readers about the foreign issues in the Middle East that we have never really been introduced to. Somewhat quirky, this blog examines a different side of affairs that many people want to learn about – culture and lifestyles.
Possession of The Body
Divorce in Albania
Twenty years ago, in my country divorce was a myth! Well, not actually a myth but a taboo. It happens in the entire world that people get married and then realize that they made a mistake, this leading to divorces. In Albania this was “forbidden”. People weren’t allowed to make mistakes. Even though, for example, a woman was beaten by her husband every day, she didn’t have the right to ask for divorce, she had to stay loyal to the “agreement” they made.
Getting divorced had always worse consequences for women. She would have been seen in a different way from everybody that knew her. The fact that she got divorced would lead to people thinking that she is a b…., and that is WRONG! And what is worst, she would find it really, really difficult to find another husband (at least a normal one), only because of the wrong opinion of the people.
Now, times have changed and people have changed. Divorce now is a normal thing, and it have helped many people repair their mistakes, because, yes, now people can make mistakes. Making mistakes is part of being human, and everybody needs a second chance in life.
If We are United, We are Strong
One of the most famous myths back home involves a mother and her five sons. As legend goes that a single mother raised her five sons all by herself and made them lords. Despite her hard work all of her sons didn’t get together well and they fought against each other every single day. In order to show her sons the importance of unity she brought all them together and handed each one of them a single arrow and asked them to break it in half. The boys were able to do this without any problems and ease. Then she gave them a bundle of five arrows tied together and once again asked them to break it. After many tries none of the boys were able to break the bundle of arrows. After this, the mother told them if they continue fighting each other and stay divided they can be easily broken just like a single arrow. Yet if they stay united like the bundle of arrows then no one would be able to break them. As a result all her of sons united and formed a nation. Legend has it that nation became an empire that conquered many. This myth can easily be connected to the war in Iraq and the state the United States in right now. Rather than being divided into two groups that support and fight against the war in Iraq the public should be united under one purpose. If they are united for a single purpose then they can easily influence the government and make changes like pulling all the American troops out of Iraq. Therefore I feel that we all should learn from this myth in order to accomplish what is best.
Our Generation
Who’s Cheering for the Cheerleaders?
Clearly the cause of obesity is...high school?
My junior and senior years of high school, I was fortunate enough to be a witness to one of the most ridiculous attempts to form a revolution…in the history of my high school, possibly even the world – I’ll even go out on a limb and go as far as to say the universe. The obesity epidemic was starting to arise at that point in time, and many critics were speculating that it was all because of the children – the lazy children who sat around, eating, playing video games, going to school…doing what any sensible person may consider normal routine.
Our high school did not want to be accountable for this myth – obesity’s derivate was the education system.
So, our school board had two [genius] ideas in order to combat the problem. The board figured attacking the enemy in a dual-sided formation would be most effective. And…I’d be lying if I said it was.
First the school board attacked gym class. “Clearly the children aren’t receiving substantial physical activity, during a forty minute period of…physical activity.” That argument makes all too much sense in my opinion. But being a member in the lowest prong of the pyramid – the educational system pyramid – what good would my input have done? The school board developed this myth that the gym teachers weren’t challenging the students enough during the periods of laborious [ideally fun] activities. How ironic, considering they eliminated the Presidential Fitness testing, as it created hostility among students, and hurt the feelings of those who couldn’t do well in the challenge. I guess they compromised, for they created a single day, of the four days we were required to participate in gym and called it “Workout Wednesday”.
The plan fell apart within the first few weeks of the trial period. Maybe if they had selected another day, or another problem to combat…it would have worked. Obesity did not decrease the slightest and attitudes of students shifted to a negative and anti-physical activity/pro-health regime. Thanks a lot school board – that was strike one.
The school board also attacked our school store – one of the most profitable components of the high school’s system. So the board decided to remove all the fatty culprits: candy, pretzels, water, vitamin water, rice crispy treats, donuts, water, apples, tasty cakes, water, and pencils…all of this being said, I am implying that everything in the entire school store was removed. Once all was removed from the school store – the most obvious cause of obesity throughout America, the school board revised the entire cafeteria food calendar. Vegetables [dipped in a mildly light coat of grease] were offered to the students as an alternative option for French fries. The students rebelled and didn’t accept the new offerings…strike two for the school board.
No further strikes have been reported, so I'm assuming the school board is still at bat. Perhaps the board should reevaluate what is myth and what is fact more thoroughly next time....