Welcome...and initial guidelines...

This blog will be used in the spring of 2008 by 80+ students at Drexel University to investigate the effects of Iraq on culture and the reverse. Our goal will be to better understand why the US is in Iraq, and to question whether literature can help us on this journey.

Weekly plans and other materials will always be posted in Vista, not this blog. So go to Bb Vista to get the discussion prompts and other instructions.

I intend this blog to manage our discussions and track our collective investigation.

You should have received an email from me inviting you to become a contributor to this blog. The email was sent Monday afternoon to your official Drexel email address.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Once I read what we were supposed to write about, my mind went straight to Watergate. And as I could have guessed, one or two people beat me to it. As I read over all of the posts that people have written on the subject, I came to one conclusion; there has never been a time where there has not been any doubt or uncertainty in this world. More specifically, this country has a long timeline of events that have left the people of this country feeling uncertain about it's future. All this events and times however, with maybe the exception of the Great Depression, seemed to have a light at the end of the tunnel. 

I feel as though in today's world it is a little different. America is a young country yet has quite a history. If you look at the history of the world, no single country has stayed in power forever. America has been on top for some time now and it looks as though that time has come to an end. So why would the whole country not be full of uncertainty? 

As to why are we in Iraq; I cannot give you a 100 percent certain answer because I do not know. I can tell you what I have been told or read, such as weapons of mass destruction or oil. I also know that in the past, with America having the power that it held, we always stepped in as the powerhouse to help settle things. So may all these are reasons. All I know for certain is that the bad is out weighting the good when it comes to America being in Iraq. 

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