Welcome...and initial guidelines...

This blog will be used in the spring of 2008 by 80+ students at Drexel University to investigate the effects of Iraq on culture and the reverse. Our goal will be to better understand why the US is in Iraq, and to question whether literature can help us on this journey.

Weekly plans and other materials will always be posted in Vista, not this blog. So go to Bb Vista to get the discussion prompts and other instructions.

I intend this blog to manage our discussions and track our collective investigation.

You should have received an email from me inviting you to become a contributor to this blog. The email was sent Monday afternoon to your official Drexel email address.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Mudville Gazette

When I read this blog I noticed it was very judgmental. The author openly degraded Dick Cheney in the first couple of paragraphs. I can completely understand why because he was making fun of John Kerry claiming he lacked understanding of the war on terror, when he has no real war experience himself.  The author got very upset at this. Another blog entry was a story about a soldier who was returning from a jail sentence of eight months because he tried to higher a hit man on himself to hurt him so he wouldn't be sent back to Iraq. And he tried to pass it off like his new bride was behind it. The marriage ended shortly after. Mainly it was a blog about the effects of post dramatic stress disorder. And the effects it can have on people. The author seemed like he really didn't care about it, like it was a stupid guy that did something stupid to get out of fighting in the war. But it is a serious problem when it comes any war. Reading all of these blogs made me feel good that people were so passionate about the war but at the same time it made me feel sorry that some people have to stoop so low that the only way they are heard is by  ridiculing others. 

1 comment:

John said...

I'm going to enlighten you a little about The Mudville Gazette and about blogging in general. When a blog has something in a post that looks as if it is inside a box, it is a Blockquote, meaning that it is a quote by someone else. What Greyhawk at the Mudville Gazette was doing was quoting someone else directly, he was not the author who openly degraded Dick Cheney, it was Sen. Tom Harkin (D). That is why you should follow links provided. (Those bold underlined words.)

Obviously you also didn't really read the full story about the soldier who was returning from a jail sentence because he tried to higher a hit man on himself, if you had you would have read that the guy lied about where he had been in Iraq and what he had saw, and experienced. That this guy was never ever near anywhere where there was any blood or violence. All he did is fill up gas tanks on the planes at the baghdad airport in a very quiet, no blood or guts, safe area. His lies it what got him the jail time. This guy DOES NOT have PTSD. So members of the military do not care for chickenshits like this man who make this crap up so they do not have to fulfil the obligations they signed up for. While those that really do have PTSD are trying to get back to Iraq to be with the guys in their unit.

I'm glad to see that there are people that are reading milblogs, they are writing history, no one knows better than them, what's going on in Iraq and Afghansitan, and they are the ones that will be the first to pick out the phonies among them.

You accuse greyhawk of being judgemental, however reading your posts you've done on him and other milblogs (Major K) it seems you're the pot calling the kettle black.

The Mudville Gazette is one of the biggest milblogs out there, and has near 6 million visits.
Greyhawk, the author, has been in the military 20+ years and served two tours in Iraq. He has even been credited as coining the phrase "MilBlogs". If you you want to really find more stories and links to other milblogs (current ones), this is the site to visit but please really read them, I suggest reading their whole blog from beginning to end. All of them. But when reading please do it without judgement, and keep in mind as you're reviewing these blogs, that you obviously do not always understand the military lingo and you obviously have never been in a war zone so please do not try to judge them from the comfort of your air conditioned room.

BTW many of these blogs you are reviewing have not been in Iraq for over a year and have since quit blogging.