Welcome...and initial guidelines...

This blog will be used in the spring of 2008 by 80+ students at Drexel University to investigate the effects of Iraq on culture and the reverse. Our goal will be to better understand why the US is in Iraq, and to question whether literature can help us on this journey.

Weekly plans and other materials will always be posted in Vista, not this blog. So go to Bb Vista to get the discussion prompts and other instructions.

I intend this blog to manage our discussions and track our collective investigation.

You should have received an email from me inviting you to become a contributor to this blog. The email was sent Monday afternoon to your official Drexel email address.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

BLOG 2: Did BUSH really beat Gore in 2000?

So who really won the presidential election back in 2000? Was it Bush or Gore? Gore and Bush were tied and the only state left was Florida. It was projected that Gore was to win Florida by media groups. But Bush won Florida by a 1000 votes, but since the election was so close the votes had to be recounted and it turned out that Bush had won by only 537 votes. But when Gore asked for a recount, he was denied. A few rumors about African American votes not being counted also began to appear. But was it true? We will never know since the recount was denied by the supreme court. But searching through a bunch of websites i found this interesting post which actually cleared any doubts about the election for me. http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=1006031602170

But it only proves the fact that Bush played dirty to win the election.

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