The ABC show Lost is extremely popular and has generated a large following. The premise of the show takes place on an island near the Indian Ocean. A plane crashes on an abandoned island with many survivors. The show is now in the middle of its 4th season and many other characters and plot developments have been discovered.
I am just going to examine a few new scenerios that have been brought up in the past season that could be related to the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.
First, the people who have found and made contact with the survivors of Oceanic 815 could represent other things. The people on the boar have other intentions than to rescure the survivors of flight 815. These people wanted to appear that they were only on the island for a rescue, but where found out to be lieing. In the current Iraq war the people on the boat could represent terrorists because they are following orders which they think to be the best desicion.
The people who initially inhabited the island where trying to take over and rule the plane crash survivors. These original inhabitors could represent American troops who are trying to inforce something without full consent or explaination to the plane crash survivors.
Welcome...and initial guidelines...
This blog will be used in the spring of 2008 by 80+ students at Drexel University to investigate the effects of Iraq on culture and the reverse. Our goal will be to better understand why the US is in Iraq, and to question whether literature can help us on this journey.
Weekly plans and other materials will always be posted in Vista, not this blog. So go to Bb Vista to get the discussion prompts and other instructions.
I intend this blog to manage our discussions and track our collective investigation.
You should have received an email from me inviting you to become a contributor to this blog. The email was sent Monday afternoon to your official Drexel email address.
Weekly plans and other materials will always be posted in Vista, not this blog. So go to Bb Vista to get the discussion prompts and other instructions.
I intend this blog to manage our discussions and track our collective investigation.
You should have received an email from me inviting you to become a contributor to this blog. The email was sent Monday afternoon to your official Drexel email address.
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