From CNN Bush declared Iraq one victory in war on terror. He praised the toppling of Saddam Hussein as "a job well done" but he warned taht the battle in Iraq was but "one victory in a war on terror". Bush announced that "Major combat operations in Iraq have ended." There was a banner reading "Mission Accomplished" where the commander in chief saluted the men and women of the U.S. military. He said that the U.S. would continue to hunt down members of the terrorist network and he said removing Saddam from power would make other nations less vulnerable to terrorist attacks. He said that they have cut off a source of terrorist funding and it is certain that no terrorist network will gain weapons of mass destruction from the iraqi regime because that regime is no more. He said that difficult work remains to be done to ensure freedom to the people of Iraq. We have to find weapons of mass destruction and help the Iraqi people rebuild their country. He didn't formally declare the war to be over, although major combat is over, there still continues to be violence throughout.
While reading this article, I kept on thinking to myself that saying "mission accomplished" is just messing with our feelings because clearly if the mission were accomplished we could leave Iraq, however it will not happen until the country is stable and they will continue to search. There basically shouldnt have been anything said because we're still there and whether the mission was accomplished or not nothing is different. I feel like Bush was just saying that to make us feel as if there were some hope, but there is none because in the article I read previous to this he will be sending out 30,000 more troops. The bias through this whole article I believe is making Bush look like the "good guy" This completely contrasts with what he says because I don't understand why he has to send out more people if the mission is accomplished and all they are going to be there for from here on out is to make sure things run smoother. This also contrasts from the previous article because its an article from CNN whereas the other article was from an analysis of the documentary that was on T.V.
This whole thing just really pisses me off because I understand that it is not ethical for us to just leave Iraq because he fears that everything will go haywire once we leave, but he's putting our economy down. We're paying sooo much money for this war and people here are going bankrupt, people are becoming homeless and he's so worried about the Iraqi people. I dont understand why if the mission is accomplished why cant he just start sending people out. If Iraq has continued violence for the past 5 years and nothing has changed how is another 5+ years going to do anything? maybe I'm being ignorant to all of this or maybe I'm not comprehending it correctly, but I don't understand why we just cant leave? Before september 11th going to Iraq didn't matter, we went there to fight terror and find WMD and now he's worried about keeping the place stable and making sure government is elected and able to thrive? I just don't see how that has anything to do with fighting against terror and finding weapons. I really feel like if the mission is accomplished than our work is done and we should leave. We have now lost 4,000 soldiers and we'll continue to lose more. We've paid them enough for their losses why must we do more?
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