Welcome...and initial guidelines...

This blog will be used in the spring of 2008 by 80+ students at Drexel University to investigate the effects of Iraq on culture and the reverse. Our goal will be to better understand why the US is in Iraq, and to question whether literature can help us on this journey.

Weekly plans and other materials will always be posted in Vista, not this blog. So go to Bb Vista to get the discussion prompts and other instructions.

I intend this blog to manage our discussions and track our collective investigation.

You should have received an email from me inviting you to become a contributor to this blog. The email was sent Monday afternoon to your official Drexel email address.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

La Vieja

This is't truely a myth, it's just something my grandmother and sme of my aunts use to scare young children. They tell them that la vieja, old lady, is going to come and take them awayif they don't behave. Of course this only works and the smaller children, up to age like 4 or 5. Eat all your food or the vieja is coming to get you, Behave or la vieja is going to get you, etc. There is also the threat the rando animal that's going to come and get you for the same reasons. This little kid my aunt takes care of is afraid of all kinds of animals because his afraid has told him whatever he does wrong it going to take him away. Today my cat was sitting on the couch, when he saw it he became paralyzed and I was forced to take my cat outside. All can say is scaring the kids get them to behave, but it makes them afraid of any and everything.

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